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‘A guid New Year tae ane an a – an mony may ye see.’ The wirds o the auld sang still ring in the lugs o the fowk that mine watchin Andy Stewart on TV at this time o the year.
Bit fitiver yir preference this month – dinna hing aboot, jist get stuck in.
We hiv a special studio guest – the ootgan Director o the Scots Language Centre, Michael Hance, jines us tae ging oer some of his seventeen years at the helm.
We’re enjoyin the magical company in Edinbugh at the ‘Dreamin Breid an Skyrie Stanes’ gaitherin. Fit a day that wis – fu o magical fowk and special elixers. An wir back in the Howff at the Globe Inn, Dumfries wi the very magical Jane Broon – spikkin aboot Robert Burns an a that. Dinna miss this moment in time.